They say these are the best (Scottish)(Public Health)(academic) years of my life...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Two Subway Tokens
Friday, December 28, 2012
Humble Pie
- These [7 pages of] claims need to be backed by citations.
- Wikipedia is not a reasonable substitute for peer reviewed literature.
- If you are going to cite Wikipedia, at least put it in proper citation format. You can't just have the URL.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
If It Doesn't Fit
Season's Greetings
Thursday, December 20, 2012
And I Feel... Tired
Great Sympathizer
Moi: It wasn't that the party was stressful, but he was just so chill and friendly and I think he was growing a short ponytail-
Jen: Who are you and what have you done with Whitecastle!?
Moi: Exactly! That was what made it stressful for everyone.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Knowledge is Power
Nerds ruin everything. They (we?) can't just pick a hobby. They have to read everything there is about the hobby. Including health benefits and risks. And ruin all the phone. Yesterday, a corporate client group was in town for a meeting. Over lunch, we discovered that both Prof. Fudge and Client were avid runners who'd recently completed half marathons. Client had one just over the weekend and flew in from Texas for the meeting.
Fudge: So your legs felt OK to fly afterwards?
Client: Yeah, they felt great.
Fudge: That's good, because don't they say that you're more at risk for blood clots and thrombosis if you fly long distance after a race?
Client: I did not know that.
And how're you getting home tonight? Best advice ever, Fudge.
Friday, December 07, 2012
He's Not There
Last night, however, I decided not to sweat it when the clock hit 6 and Who still hadn't showed, and the studio tech came in to ask, "You said that someone else was joining you, right?" I took a "if you can't beat them, join'em" approach, and together, (well, mostly Who) thoroughly enjoyed making other students nervous. Because when Who did join, he decided it would be fun to cold call people. During online discussions, it's very easy to just put the talk on in the background and ignore what's going on in the session and focus instead on the matters at hand, like channel surfing or eating dinner. And that must have been why Kurt did not answer when Who decided to not-so-randomly call on him. Which just led Who to pick on Kurt some more. Forming a beautiful, vicious cycle.
(during a brief pause as we waited for students to respond)
Moi: Kurt is still silent on the issue.
Who How long do you think it will be until Kurt comes back from his kitchen? Or gets up from his couch and the Wii?
Moi: Kurt has a very big kitchen.
(later, after the session was over)
Who: Kurt is my advisee, and he's smarter than most, that's why I knew it was OK to pick on him.
Moi: Oh I know... I mean er, ... we have never discussed having you as an advisor before.
Welcome to the Gun Show
1. I will always have advisors who mock. (I think I actually work best this way. Prof Fudge is all nice all the time and that is one of the most challenging aspects of working with him.) Of course, none of them need to be told this.
2. PhD school, public health blog, and this wonderful space. It's like that old college formula: sleep, friends, and work. You can only have 2 of the 3.
3. In Bmore. They just do things differently.
Today, we're talking #3. Other cities, for example, have tree lighting ceremonies and special trees from Canada, Santas, and whatnot. Charm City has a "monument lighting" celebration. They put Christmas lights on George Washington. And we all stand dangerously close to fireworks. Because they shoot them from the base of the monument. (which means that, thanks to location, location, location, the fireworks were pointed directly toward my apartment complex) That everyone has come to see. It seems like a giant safety hazard. But no one seems to be complaining.
City. Literally. Ablaze. |
Last year, I kept naively asking, "But we're 2 miles from the Harbor, how will we see the fireworks?" |
Fireworks should never be close enough to smell. |
Monday, December 03, 2012
Charm City
People kept knocking on my door today to tell me that my keys are in the door. Not just my peers, but the cleaning lady, and a professor, too. People really don't want me to lose my keys. Too bad their good will is getting in the way of my key-remembering strategy.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Million Little Pieces
(I found an ugly, knobbly candlestick holder in our cabinets yesterday)
Moi: Why do you have this? What is this?
Mother: It's from the Lutheran church. It's hand carved by one of their missionaries from some place faraway.
Moi: Then why does it say "Do good and forget me" on it?
Mother: Oh. Maybe I just picked it up from their Free pile. I don't remember.
Monday, November 26, 2012
If I Were a Rich Kid
Mother: You need new shoes.
Moi: These are new. I got them last year.
Mother: But they're so tattered.
Moi: That's intentional. The fringes are supposed to be like that.
Mother You are too poor to be wearing intentionally tattered clothes.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Little Thanks
Master of None
Monday, November 19, 2012
First Steps First
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Poor Grad Student
But half serious was too much serious for me. I am very junior on the project and usually spend group meetings nodding and turning my head to say, "Prof Fudge?" whenever a question is posed in my general direction. On Wednesday, I watched, aghast, pa rum rum rum drumming in my head, as the other teams presented their updates with detailed tables, slides, and plans, knowing full well that I had no gifts to bring and that Fudge only drew up a plan the night before. When I was called on, I replied with a suave, "Yes, um, Fudge?" It drew unintended laughs.
In the end, I blubbered a few sentences and Prof Tom was generous enough to find them sufficient. Later, he said that he "had to" call on me because I was sitting next to him. In actuality, Amber, silent throughout the meeting, was sitting next to him. I was next to Amber. Maybe she was so stealthy that he didn't even notice her.
Note to self: Be more like Amber.
(discussing where I was going to church after my biscuit breakfast; I blanked on the address/neighborhood because my head isn't big enough to store such things)
Moi: It's just a few blocks that way. In this pretty old building. On the edge of nice and shady. (pause) Well, a lot of B'more is on the edge of nice and shady.
Molten: I was going to say. I think my whole run here was on the edge of nice and shady.
As it tends to occur with people I've ever temporarily looked up to, Prof. Molten has recently entered a vegetarian stage. When it came to the Band Man, Ira Glass, and Lenny, I either outgrew my role model and/or the vegetarianism was only temporary. It's too early to tell if either will happen with Prof. Molten (OK, fairly certain her awesomeness will never cease to amaze me), but I take comfort in knowing that she still has her priorities right.
(she mentioned that the previous week, she only had time to get a pit beef sandwich for her husband but not donuts for the kids)
Moi: So you didn't even get a chance to get something you could eat?
Molten: Oh no. I had my biscuit first. That's non-negotiable every week.
Now that's a public health authority with her nutrition priorities in order.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Coughing and Wheezing Kind of Day
When we finally did get to meet, I ran down a list of first-person asthma vignettes for a pilot study, many of them included complaints of shortness of breath, until Advisor Who stopped me.
Who: No, you don't have asthma. You're just really out of shape. I'm concerned that you're drawing a lot from your personal experience.
Ah, Mentor Who Insults My Level of Fitness. This would be something to write home about, if every single mentor in the last 10 years hadn't been the exact same way. I just have one of those faces. And it's just one of those days.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Poo and Pee Kind of Day
I gave you that introduction to prepare you for the line that has made me laugh all day. Though perhaps I should be paving my ground in other ways, and remind you that I am a doctoral student, a serious thinker, a sophisticated poet, a responsible teaching assistant, and loving daughter. The class I am TA'ing this term has the acronym "AHSPO." It's a lot shorter and more convenient than spelling out the whole course title, but it makes for an unfortunate pronunciation. No matter how I try, it inevitably rhymes with a**hole (or a**hole with a British accent). Writing a poll for the class today, I decided to tack on a fun question soliciting alternative pronunciations/solutions. Which brings me back to the line that made me crack up in class, then close the browser and turn my head so I wouldn't burst out laughing, the suggestion that made me smile all day long: ass-poo.
Someone wrote ass-poo. It's the little things that remind me why I got into TA'ing.
UPDATE: (Jesse, upon hearing what I found funny) "Why are the smart ones always so troubled mentally? Ass-poo?"
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Mental Marathon
The real highlight of the weekend though, was our dinner at Birch & Barley. We began the meal with complimentary, ridiculously light creme fraiche biscuits and olive rolls (you know how I feel about good biscuits). And kept on adding on the starch from there. Overwhelmed by the many words on the menu and in the end, we deferred to the waiter to pair our beers (yes, beer pairings, did you expect anything less with the exposed brick walls, the lanterns, and distressed-wood look?). Giving up on picking and choosing among all the delectable options, we just said, "1 of everything from the pasta section, please." Plus a side of mac'n'cheese. Because you can never have too many simple carbohydrates between public health professionals.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Pumpkin Eater
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Center for Talented Toddlers
Greg: One of the questions was, "how does your child deal with adversity?" Uh... he cries.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Center for Awkward Youths
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Blazing Furnace
Hanging out in my room last night, I suddenly heard a thump and little pop sound, followed by silence. I didn't think Roommate Megan was moving anything heavy, but thought I'd check, fearing that someone had broken into the apartment or a surrounding one (ah, adjusting expectations in B'more). Once I stepped into the empty living room, however, I saw that no such break-ins had occurred. Then I smelled smoke. Then I saw smoke coming from the heater closet. Then I saw a spark and rushed into Megan's room.
Two Public Health Experts One Mini Fire
There were a couple of minutes of chaos as we tried to figure out what to do, tried to get a closer look at the heater then jump away when we saw flames, and tried to see if we had a fire extinguisher anywhere (we don't; we should). We then decided that calling 911 seemed like the right thing to do even though the fire was most probably out. Right after Megan hung up, we panicked. Not because of the fire. But because we were both about to go to bed and not wearing presentable clothes. She changed. I borrowed a sweatshirt from her and kept the flowery white PJ half shorts because the heater was right outside my door and I didn't want to walk by another possible spark.
B'more's Best
The firefighters arrived in minutes. They were everything one could expect them to be. Calm, reassuring, and mostly seemed like they knew what they were doing. We were right to call them, they said (I wonder if they tell everyone that). They smelled the apartment and saw the blackened water heater. "Yup, that's a fire all right." Then they just chilled a little bit since everything was under control. Somebody turned off the hot water. Somebody decided they should leave a tag on the water heater. Someone located a tag in his helmet. Nobody had a pen. Except for me. I always have pens.
Super Confused Super
The next step was calling the emergency maintenance number, which put me in touch with Brian the Maintenance Manager. "Wasn't I just in your apartment this afternoon?" "Yes, yes, you fixed a drain. Thank you!" "I didn't touch your water heater." "I know you didn't. But it still burned up." "Can you explain this again? You're saying it caught on fire?" "Yes, sir, it burst into flames." "I just don't understand. This has never happened before." "It's the first time for me, too. But it happened." "Well, do you want me to-- right now, I don't have a --" "You should come first thing tomorrow morning." "OK. That's good. Because it's 11 o'clock now." Who knew I had a talent for talking supers through difficult situations? I did.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
This Happened Tonight
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 08, 2012
(Two pictures from last weekend below. It appears that we're all terrible at having our picture taken. This suits Brother's purposes because he takes artistic photos and can bring the best out of people in natural settings. But it does terribly for having family pictures.)
Two good photographers. In one terrible picture. |
Everyone says they look alike. I don't see it. |
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Hail Kaiser
(discussing his friend Kaiser)
Doc Nice: You know the Kaiser foundation? She's from that family.
Moi: Whoa. That's amazing. That's really important. Do you think she's related to the Kaisers of the roll?
Doc Nice: Probably. If you're going to start a health system, you need some seed money, and I bet that that's where it came from.
Moi: It makes perfect sense. If you feed people simple carbohydrates, they'll get sick and enter the health system.
Doc Nice: You know, isn't Kaiser German for king or something? I bet they're also related to that.
Moi: OK, now you're just stretching this too far. Let's not get carried away. They are not German kings.
Doc Nice: I'm sorry. You're right. I was just goofing off.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
One Last September Post
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I Solve
Not Jared. Not Lily. They would be in my phone. Facebook told me that Zvi had just arrived in SF, but he should be in my phone. A quick check, however, revealed sometime in the process of switching from one antiquated flip phone to another to another, his entry got deleted. Then I checked his facebook profile and his number was listed there and I figured everything out.
OK. That wasn't as dramatic as it played out in real time and maybe it didn't require that many skills, but let me have this one. I certainly don't have my problem set figured out.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
People in Glass Houses
Mary still works regularly with Doc Whitecastle and Doc Nice while I work with them only a couple of days a month. As such, Mary has way more opportunities for ridiculous Doctor moments. She happened to be in town on Friday and this was what I learned over frozen yogurt.
(discussing our low research assistant wages and how her raise had to be capped at 2%)
Mary: After my annual review, [Whitecastle] told me that I was lucky. His annual raise is only 1%.
Sunday Routine
(I had to promise not to sell this picture for profit. Ha.) |
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Fishy Crabs
Julia (representing the table): How many crabs do people normally eat?
Waiter: Four to six.
Julia: When you say four to six, what size is that?
Waiter: All sizes. Medium, large, or extra-large. Seven of you here, why don't we start with two and a half dozen large ones? And some appetizers?
Julia: Your estimates seem highly variable and unlikely.
(In the end, we got soups, fritters, and 2 dozen large ones, were all stuffed, and still had leftovers. Nice try, Tricky Waiter.)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Big Bliss
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Au Contraire My Tear
Professor Fudge is mild mannered, understanding, and takes himself absolutely seriously. In short, he's the opposite of every mentor I have ever had (especially one whose name starts with W and ends in Hitecastle). Working with him has been absolutely encouraging and bewildering at once.
Today, our meeting ended with me in tears. I have left many offices in tears, but never because I was sad. Today was no exception. It's my stupid dry eyes. Like (really inaccurate) clockwork, my eyes dry up in the late afternoon/early evening daily and I have a little cry. Unfortunately, the cry today came moments after we discovered that I messed up my analysis and would have to redo a couple of days of work.
With any other professor, it would've been "too bad, suck it up, bring me the new results and we'll go from there." Not Fudge. He felt bad. He told me a really long story about how these professional survey people at a prominent university messed up their analysis. And it was sometime during this story that my eyes started tearing up.
With any other professor, I would've made a joke and that would've been that. Not Fudge. When I told Fudge my eyes were dry, it just sounded like I was covering up. Being the earnest man that he is, he felt even worse. He told me that mistakes were a part of the process. The meeting ended as all our meetings do: awkward, and with me breaking into a near run.
Reader, I've never had a mentor who did not put me down. Now in 20th grade, I don't know if I'm ready for one.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Darn Yankees
We don't take good pictures of ourselves. |
(we were really high up for a few innings) |
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Reality Bites
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Office Space, Part 2
Amber: So you're here, too?
Moi: Yeah, but don't worry, this is only temporary.
Amber: Me too. I'll be moving into that space down the hall when it opens up in the fall.
Moi: Wait, that's what they told me, too.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Office Space
Advisor Who and another professor I'm working closely with for a project are both on the 6th floor. To them, it made sense to have me right around the corner since questions will invariably come up as I play with data.
Number of offices I have on the 6th floor: 0
Number of offices I have on the 3rd floor: 2
Number of people I displaced to take over Room 304: 2
Ah, academic bureaucracy.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Surfer Gurl
Moi: ... and then she said, "that's the Californian in you." I just nodded. It was easier that way.
Alice: You need to start talking about clam chowder.
Moi: I had wicked good chowdah at Haaaaavuhd? Alice: Exactly.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Not Again
Monday, August 20, 2012
Bigger Inside than Outside
Who: So, d'you have fun?
Moi: Well, no big fun. I didn't do anything exciting, but there was little fun.
Who: We don't have to catalog all the little fun you had.
I've mentioned this before, but talking to Advisor Who and Doc Nice inevitably turn into a namedropping game that I can't win. They're just way more important than I am. This point was again driven in this week.
(on where we had tacos last week)
Moi: Tiny storefront in B'more.
DocNice: The White House
(on where we stayed at the Cape)
Moi: Marie's aunt's friend's house.
Advisor Who: The National Academy of Science compound.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Grammar Gestapo
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Price of Doing Business
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Busy Day Today
I made a couch today. Not exactly from scratch. But close enough. It's a very small couch. I want to call it 'Tiny Dancer.' I also want to nap on the couch because my arms are very sore. But alas, I must shower, put on presentable clothes, and head south to DC for dinner.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
If He Be Awesome
Hair's to Me
Water Ice
This was an installation in the RISD museum in Providence. Isn't it pretty? Too bad this was all we could say about it. This, and "I wish I could run through the glass." This is all to say, the museum was mostly lost on us.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
The More Things Change
Lenny: I can't talk now, I'm in Chile.
Moi: Isn't this call super expensive then? Why'd you even pick up?
Lenny: I thought it was an emergency.
Moi: (from me?) It's not.
I had decided to call Lenny because I'm clearing out my bedroom in my home home and had just come across an old planner. In it, I found an entry that said "calc test" in Lenny's handwriting. Then entry was crossed out. Next to it, I had written "I hate Lenny." Apparently, Lenny used to go through my planner adding phantom test dates. This is why I'm OK running up her phone bill.
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Fishy Tales
Mother: They're not supposed to dump food into the river, right? That's illegal.
Father: And no Chinese chef ever 'fishes for fun.' Remember never to order fish at this place.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Near Miss
Like I said, a terribly trendy and wonderful food day. My only regret was that we didn't have dessert (we were too full and lacked foresight). Because miraculous as it sounds, by the time I got home around 11pm, I was hungry again.
"But I didn't want to walk in the heat anymore."
"So you ran instead?"
"I didn't think about it very well."
Someone suggested that she ride all the way to the VA just to get her money's worth. Her logic may have been faulty, but the running was great. And it was wonderful, free entertainment for a Thursday morning.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Portion Control
Mother: You don't need to tell everyone what size you are.
Moi: But I so rarely get to be such a small size. I know that they keep altering the sizes-
Mother: Exactly. This would be an extra large in China.
Thanks, Mother.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Jack of All Trades
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sheep Go to Heaven
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Silent Alarm
About an hour later, my alarm rang. It woke me up. I stirred and thought, "I guess she left and I didn't hear her." Unfortunately, neither my alarm nor Katy's alarm woke Katy up. And she had a flight to catch. Five minutes later, Katy shot up in her bed and blurted. "Oh sh*t!" And that's how I ended up at the airport in my pajamas. And how Nik and I managed to get back, change, go out for breakfast (and come up with a brilliant baking idea-- pumpkin bread with Raisinets) and return again, all by 9am. It was a very productive morning.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Those Who Do and Those Who Can't
Liz: We need to hang out (true- we do!). You're always sneaking into town to hang out with this one (indicating D'Bomb).
Moi: That's only because he literally has no schedule. Teachers and the unemployed: those are my summer friends.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Prospective Perspective
Ms. von Sperling offers a Friday-to-Sunday intensive, for $8,000. One day is devoted to carrying yourself properly and the art of conversation. Treat rush, she says, as you would a job interview. Avoid politics and religion. “I teach them how to make interesting small talk: what you saw at the cinema, a trip to Europe. I don’t know too many 20-year-olds who are having a debate about economics.” Another day is for getting physically ready — hair, makeup and wardrobe. Ms. von Sperling organizes “outfits down to accessories, completely strategized.” Just in case a client forgets, outfits are photographed and placed in a style file.
As rush grinds on, students often text their moms with frequent, sometimes tearful updates. “Drama Trauma Drama,” wrote one weary mother on a Greek chat forum. For some mothers, empathizing with the pain of peer rejection is excruciating.
“I lost six pounds that week,” recalls Julie Baselice, whose daughter Christina is now a Chi Omega at the University of Texas. “It was the most stressful experience of my life.”
Nerds on the Beach
(this was my beach book)
Monday, July 09, 2012
It's Only Taken 3-5 Years
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Relatively Stupid
Father: It's only Hard and you still can't solve it?
Like a Missing Child
(on Thursday, Mother made tons of bamboo-wrapped sticky rice packets with a friend)
Moi: Are you going to have the pasta for lunch?
Mother: No. I miss my sticky rice. I'm going to have that.
Moi: Have you been away from it long? Didn't you just make it?
Mother: I didn't have any yesterday. Nor the day before.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Never Ending Story
(overhearing Big Chief discussing his travel arrangements)
Moi: Everyone is leaving town.
Whitecastle: Yes. But that doesn't mean that those who are staying can stop working.
Moi: I spent the weekend proofreading your CV*.
Whitecastle: As things should be.
*Not actual portrayal of me-- exaggerations go both ways in creative writing (speaking). How fascinating.
Monday, July 02, 2012
My Father's Keeper
Moi: Uh... what if they're starving grad students (and can't support the parents)?
Father's Cardiologist: (to father) That's not your problem. That's theirs.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Smoking Gun
Mother: Goliath was about 9 feet tall, but fossil records have found giants as tall as 25 feet.
(after a long, silent gap from Father and me)
Moi: Where did you get this information?
Mother: It may have been a hoax.
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Bicentennial
Binks: We decided that Baltimore was better than Philadelphia.
Moi: Are you kidding? You can walk through 6 consecutive nice blocks in Philly. You can't do that in Baltimore.
Binks: But Baltimore has more character.
We all agreed on that point. B'more has quite a bit of character. And I like it quite a bit. I would have said "love," but Doc New-Office-Mate then decided to pull up some murder maps. B'more has quite a bit of that, too. It's true that it's no longer among the 5 deadliest cities in the country (it's 6th), but the homicide rate is still 3 times that of Boston.
Binks: Well, you'll always have the star spangled banner.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Glass Menagerie
"Congratulations- what'd you win?" my new office mate asked. I wish I knew. I was pretty sure that winning a glass trophy was something I'd remember. But nothing came to mind. I searched through my emails over the past few months. Still nothing. Finally, I sought the Source of All Knowledge and turned on the Google. Turns out, a paper I was 10th author on was favorably received. It was all Whitecastle's doing. And he'd won so many awards lately he'd forgotten to tell me about this. Maybe that's why his was shattered in the mail but mine stayed intact; I do not take my awards for granted (he's sending for another one).
To make him feel better about his shattered award that he deserved, I shared the story of how my name was smaller than everyone else's on an award plaque. Per usual, stories of my indignities cheered him immensely.
Whitecastle: Haha. As if being short wasn't enough. They had to sleight you with the mistake.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Name Dropping
ZZ Pass
Morning sessions: Said hi to a former professor after her presentation. She high-fived me when I said I recognized her citations. Then we ran out of things to talk about and I promptly walked away.
Lunch: Nachos and creamed spinach (hard to say who had the least healthy lunch-- Rachael had quiche + mac'n'cheese while Ilene went for meatball sub + fries).
Shuttle ride: Nap
Plane ride: Nap.
Car ride home: Resisted napping. But refused all food and drink offers once I got home and went immediately to bed. And slept for 10 more hours.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Still an American Doctor
Advisor: I think The English Patient has subconsciously rubbed off on me. I keep clipping things into my notebook.
Moi: I don't think the movie has a patent on notebook clipping.
Advisor: I'm pretty sure they do. Though the statute of limitation on that may be running out.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
DCup a Noodle
[Sorry, I just went off on a long mental tangent about Taiwanese food culture that I won't bore you with. Except to tell you that I'm very hungry now. And I've lost my train of thought.] ... Point is: beautiful walk, nice neighborhoods (Moi: This is only the 2nd liquor store I've seen in 1.3 miles!"), gentrification that reminded me of the South End, and excellent ramen-- sometimes I think I like B'more. Then DC goes and twists my heart a little.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Rocket Science Tuesday
Did I not mention that I have a pool now? That's what happens when starving grad students live above their means. Granted, it's small and outside and unheated, and I only get access for another week before I go home, but for someone who has never had a pool, it's the best I've ever had. I'm only inside writing this note because it's raining. And because I have a pizza to make for dinner. Who said the good life would be easy?
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Favorite beverage: Water.
Favorite meal: Soy sauce, oil, and rice.
Favorite dessert: Lemon wedges and drenched in white sugar.
Favorite starter: Trick question-- just eat more of the main meal.
Friday, June 08, 2012
I Shrunk the (Minority) Kids
(discussing the event with Ian, a fellow immigrant of color, last night)
Moi: Do you think non-white people are allowed to enter the contest?
Ian: We're barely allowed to enter the festival. Let's not push our luck.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
The Institute of Medicine just asked me if I wanted to pin "To Err is Human" to pinterest, perhaps to a "downer landmark reports with pretty covers" board? I don't know. But I was amused. And decided to post it here instead.
PS. What? It didn't even include a cover picture. What a ripoff, IOM.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Isn't It Ironic
Moi: To think I spent so much time telling people how much I like this city.
Sachini: I know. It's not even a zombie story. It's just a man eating a person. That is not OK.
Moi: No, it's against the law.
Sachini: Did everyone [talking about B'more] ask you about The Wire?
Moi: Every single person.
Sharper Image
(unsatisfactory cold breakfast in the not-so-dark Dark Room)
![Posted by Picasa](
But on Sunday morning, we finally got to set foot in Thorne and have the classy jazz brunch we all remembered the Bo' to have. There was lox, and smoked haddock (a little too salty for our tastes), omelets made to order, pancakes with Maine blueberries, maple syrup, and all the literal and figurative warmth we had craved all weekend. Hoarse, tired, and sore, sitting at a round table with friends, and taking forever just to leave brunch because there were so many people to say hi to at so many other tables-- that's the Bo' I missed. Yup, 5 years out, it all boils down to warm food and the illusion of having friends.