Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The More Things Change

I just had a phone conversation with Lenny that went something like this:

Lenny: I can't talk now, I'm in Chile.

Moi: Isn't this call super expensive then?  Why'd you even pick up?

Lenny: I thought it was an emergency.

Moi: (from me?) It's not.

I had decided to call Lenny because I'm clearing out my bedroom in my home home and had just come across an old planner.  In it, I found an entry that said "calc test" in Lenny's handwriting.  Then entry was crossed out.  Next to it, I had written "I hate Lenny."  Apparently, Lenny used to go through my planner adding phantom test dates.  This is why I'm OK running up her phone bill.

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