Saturday, June 06, 2015

Infinite Jest

On Tuesday night, Crystal, Helen, and I were in Jesse's kitchen, chopping, roasting, and preparing for a last minute dinner with far more guests than we were all expecting.  At first, I thought the four of us were all working well in sync until suddenly, we weren't on the same page anymore.

Crystal: Why did you tell everyone to come?  Now we have too many people.

Moi: I didn't.  It was an obvious joke.

Helen and Jesse: That did not even cross my mind.

Being misunderstood was bad enough, especially when my joke was so hilarious, but then on Friday, I realized that Crystal (and possibly many others) misinterpreted not one, but two of my emails this week-- taking me to be serious when I had no intentions of being so.  It took Lisa, of all people, to restore my faith in sarcasm again this morning.

(chatting with Helen and Lisa)

Moi: You saw the email I sent about the BBQ, right-- how I said if you could only come to one BBQ this month?

Lisa: Right.  That was an obvious dig at Ted's BBQ.

Moi: Thank you!  

All I ever want is for people to know when I'm mocking other people (i.e. 72% of all my correspondences).  Is that so much to ask?