Saturday, August 04, 2012


There was a girl in a pink skirt yesterday and the whole train loved her.  She was first spotted as the train emerged onto street level.  As soon as she saw the train, she started running, and we started watching.  She almost caught up to the train at the stop.  But traffic didn't go her way and she couldn't cross the street in time to catch the train.  By the time we reached the next stop, however, she was there waiting for us.  She had run in her skirt and pretty sandals through the city blocks and beat the train.  The conductor suggested she join the Olympics.  People congratulated her.  Guys high-fived her as they exited.  It turned out that she didn't really need to hurry.  She had 30 minutes to pass two stops.

"But I didn't want to walk in the heat anymore."
"So you ran instead?"
"I didn't think about it very well."

Someone suggested that she ride all the way to the VA just to get her money's worth.  Her logic may have been faulty, but the running was great.  And it was wonderful, free entertainment for a Thursday morning.

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