Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two Subway Tokens

(we don't have tokens anymore and the subway prices went up, but "1.25 Charlie ticket ride" didn't have the same ring)

For the price of 2 healthy B'more biscuit last Sunday, (former roommate) Amy (not to be confused with me) and I each got 2 small balls of battered, melted chocolate.  This was our "pre-dessert snack" that we picked up on the walk from lunch to dessert.  The South End really is a very small, walkable neighborhood.  The chocolate beignets, pricey though they were, were so warm and inviting that Boston strangers were compelled to chat with us, even stopping us on the streets to ask us where we got the delectable bites.

(in the chocolate shop, after a woman gave us her tips for eating the hot beignets, completely unprompted) 

Daughter: I want to eat this later.

Woman: We can't bring this home to eat because daddy can't know that we were here.

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