Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Hail Kaiser

I love a good goof who spins a good yarn.

(discussing his friend Kaiser)

Doc Nice: You know the Kaiser foundation?  She's from that family.

Moi: Whoa.  That's amazing.  That's really important.  Do you think she's related to the Kaisers of the roll?

Doc Nice: Probably.  If you're going to start a health system, you need some seed money, and I bet that that's where it came from.

Moi: It makes perfect sense.  If you feed people simple carbohydrates, they'll get sick and enter the health system.

Doc Nice: You know, isn't Kaiser German for king or something?  I bet they're also related to that.

Moi: OK, now you're just stretching this too far.  Let's not get carried away.  They are not German kings.

Doc Nice: I'm sorry.  You're right.  I was just goofing off.

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