Monday, August 20, 2012

Bigger Inside than Outside

I often feel like I have to remind Advisor Who of my existence, and following that, prompt him on who I am and what I might need from him.  It's nothing against him; he's just very busy, even as he's very cheerful and willing to help.  Nevertheless, after a year here, I'm happy to wander the halls and be able to pop into an office for a quick hello (even if he wasn't entirely certain why I was there to do that).  I remember how it felt last fall, when all I wanted was to feel familiar again, to walk down the street and have someone to say hi to, some landmark I'd recognize, and someplace that made me feel like I belonged.  It's not that Boston ever felt homey, but it was a city I knew.  Longwood meant work and school and friends/colleagues/professors, even people-whose-faces-I-want-to-avoid.  At this time last year, B'more meant nothing except confusion and overwhelming newness.

Who: So, d'you have fun?

Moi: Well, no big fun.  I didn't do anything exciting, but there was little fun.

Who: We don't have to catalog all the little fun you had.

I've mentioned this before, but talking to Advisor Who and Doc Nice inevitably turn into a namedropping game that I can't win.  They're just way more important than I am.  This point was again driven in this week.

(on where we had tacos last week)

Moi: Tiny storefront in B'more.
DocNice: The White House

(on where we stayed at the Cape)

Moi: Marie's aunt's friend's house.
Advisor Who: The National Academy of Science compound.

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