Tonight is Punty's little sister's huge recital extravaganza. And though I have no words of wisdom to offer this young graduate, I am attending because I do love me some dance, free food, and hanging out with Punty. Earlier today, I went to the bookstore so to pick up a gift (so it wouldn't be so transparent that I don't actually know Kitty and really went to gawk and eat). She loves history and fantasy. And she's a second generation immigrant. What better book then, than Maxine Hong Kingston's
Woman Warrior? At the big chain bookstore, I ask the lady where I would find
Woman Warrior and Oliver Sacks' books- to my surprise, the lady didn't recognize either and had to search through the computer. After making sure that the book was in store, we set off on our search. And landed in the Asian History section. Close, but not quite. She radioed someone on her walkie talkie for help.
"We're in Asian History, where is Asian
American studies?" A long pause. Static cackles.
And then we hear, "Asian American studies?"
"Yes." Another pause.
"That's like one book!" Ah, thank you helpful bookstore employee. Later, we were told by yet another clerk that the Asian American section was somewhere between the African American studies and Latino studies shelves ("sometimes, they're just stuck randomly in there"). Of course, it is.