Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The IT Girl

Co-worker Jen and I have the same initials (not middle). In fact, we have the same last name. But Jen went to MIT and I did not. And Jen possesses great computer and web skills that I do not have. This combination led Jen to have the distinction of being the go-to junior IT person in the division. A distinction that I again did not have. Life surprises you with treats like that sometimes. For all her hard work and expertise, Jen constantly had people approaching her with computer problems, most of them stupid, while I blissfully went about my business. Until 2 weeks ago. Something (again, we don't know what) snapped in the Chief and he has changed course in his technology consulting. All the questions now somehow come to me and I have no idea what he bases his claims that I'm a "whiz with computers" on. I mean, I know I created the best PowerPoint presentation of a car crash, ever, but that hardly qualifies me. I was convinced that he meant to ask Jen one time and is just too stubborn to switch back now, but as the days go by and questions mount, I'm starting to doubt that hypothesis. And now I'm fixing upgrade glitches and modifying settings and hooking up email accounts, all the while clueless to what I'm actually doing. I don't know how long I have to keep this charade up. I'm about to crack under pressure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Don't crack :(

You can do it~! :)

~Dan Yuan