Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bashful Birthdays

Woke up this morning and felt like watching the excesses of Super Sweet Sixteen. To my great disappointment, the show just doesn't feel like what it used to be. I sped through half a dozen episodes and there were no tantrums. Friends, parents, events coordinators, and birthday child all got along swimmingly. What happened, MTV? Who wants to watch ridiculous and grateful children? I want to see the ridiculous and hateful.

My disappointments with rich 16 year olds across the country made me want to make some banana popsicles. So I did (above). What's that? They're the most amazing banana popsicles you have ever seen? I know. I have magical fingers. If I didn't want to change the world and save lives, I'd probably be happy as a caterer. I love serving people and delegating. Speaking of birthdays, my mom had one this week and this is what I got her:

You can send that "Best Daughter of the Year" award right on over.
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