Wednesday, March 14, 2012

True Lies

It is finals week.  I am eating poorly and performing even poorer in my biostat practice exams.  On the plus side, Whitecastle is goading me into doing work for him, because in his logic, publications are worth more than As (at least he assumes I can get As).  That logic probably rings true for him as senior author.  Not me as 71st author.  But hey, that beats being 72nd.

Lately, I've been having trouble telling sarcasm from honesty.  Nicolatte and I kept bantering about how good the Managed Care textbook was until I realized that unlike myself, he really did not loathe the giant volume and actually enjoyed it for all its detailed information.  It's good to know that there are still genuine people in the world.  I just don't like being the one to harsh all their earnestness.

Moi: What are you going to do when she's in Australia next week?
Juan: Oh, I'm going to be devastated.
Moi: Right, you're going to be so lost.
Juan: Why are you laughing?

(later, relaying the story to Amber)
Amber: Yeah, he asked me why you thought it was funny.  He said, "did she not believe that I would miss you?"

If you knew Amber, you'd find this unbelievable, too.

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