You know what's really hard to do office work without? Microsoft Office. Just putting that out there. (hey, Microsoft, want to buy me up? I won't be snotty!) This morning, whilst explain to Whitecastle yet another stupid mistake on my part, my computer all the sudden informed me that it was shutting down in 10 minutes and that I should save any work as soon as possible. Many questions ran through my mind at that moment, like why? Is this for reals? And Whitecastle, can you please stop laughing at me? The notice looked fishy, so I stopped it then rebooted my computer. Then I realized I couldn't check my email anymore. Or open any spreadsheets. And that basically all of Microsoft Office had stopped working for me. So I called the help desk. The tech guy was as confused as I was. I hate it when I stump the tech guy. Why am I always stumping them? My computer is scheduled for a shutdown and upgrade to Microsoft 2003 (because it's still running on 2000- do you know how long ago 2000 was? Of course, you do. The math is easy) tonight, but there's no reason why it should have started 9 hours early. Or why Whitecastle's computer, scheduled for the same upgrade, was perfectly fine and mine wasn't. The only thing to do, the tech guy explained, was to wait until tomorrow morning when the upgrade should be complete.
Moi: So, um, is there anything I can do now to fix this?
Tech Guy: No. I'd just not use the computer for today.
Moi: I sort of need it for my job.
Tech Guy: (annoyed) Isn't there a different computer you could use?
I don't know how things work in IT, but where I come from, we sort of have an unspoken, one-computer-per-person rule around here, guy.
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