Saturday, April 05, 2008

Phantom Photobooth

It's a classic, even trite, question yet one that needs to be asked: Just how many Bo' grads does it take to operate a photo booth?

Today at the Diesel Cafe (which we patronized purely for its bathrooms and free water), Son, Leash, Lauren (soon to be Dr. Lauren to you) and I decided that we just couldn't pass the photo booth without going in. We each dug around for a dollar and put it into a machine. Then realized that all the pictures had no more than 2 people in it. But whatever, we were little women and determined to make things work. So in we piled. Then started reading the directions. Then found that we didn't know how to follow them. Then bright lights started flashing. We panicked. And the promised 5 minutes was over in seconds. Then we noticed that the machine had no buttons. So e just hung out by the booth hoping a picture would come out. It took awhile, but alas, our beautiful moment in front of the camera:

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