Jeremy says that it's not fair to anthropomorphize my computer, but I'm pretty sure that it hates me. I've also taken to calling it Sparky. Last Friday, I requested a standard update for both Whitecastle and me. Yesterday, I recounted to you my troubles. This morning, I discovered that the upgrade scheduled for last night did not in fact take place. But Whitecastle's did. His PC is working swimmingly. As is his Macbook Air. That means he has 2 more working work computers than I do. He also has 2 more doctorates. Life really isn't fair. So I called IT (to their credit, our IT department is always uber friendly) and was told that someone would be contacting me shortly. A couple of hours later someone did. She told me that she's never seen an error message like the one that I have. And that she's hesitant to even play with my computer remotely. In fact, it's so messed up (how is that possible? I don't rightly know) that she's just going to send someone in to rebuild the whole thing. Maybe they'll throw in a heart when they're rebuilding it so Sparky will hate me less.
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