Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trust the Man

This morning, the water in the rest room sinks was suddenly very cold.

Sister Claire Francis: They think that just because the calendar says it's spring, they think they can turn off the heat.

Moi: That's crazy because this is New England. The calendar can be very deceptive.

Sister Claire Francis: That's why I don't trust calendars. I still think it's February.

... and that's why Claire's my favorite programmer ever.

Today Whitecastle received his MacBook Air. It truly is a sexy beast- which is why he pulled it out to show pretty much anyone that passed by. He grinned proudly when I exclaimed that it was "sick." I love working in an academic research office- no matter how lame I am, I'm always the coolest kid in the division. They think I talk "hip." They make me sad.

Whitecastle told me that if I work hard and stay in school, I too, can get fancy computers when I grow up. (Something to do with doing research and getting grants... I didn't pay attention to the details.) He was also kind enough to say, "I'll let you play with it later," but we all know that that's not going to happen. Especially after this encounter:

Edith: Even the box is pretty. Look at how nice the box is-

Whitecastle: You can't have it.

(Obviously never won any kingdom points in Sunday School)

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