Friday, October 24, 2008

Whirl Wind World

Do you live in Chicago? Do you know anyone there? Have you ever been? Would you like to go?

I am apparently heading for the Windy City in a little over a week. All of this was planned in about five hours so any information you could give would be much appreciated. This week has been just a little hectic. I rewrote my personal statement. Filled out some forms. Organized a work happy hour. Went to a church conference. And in the meanwhile, my list of people to ask for references (and consequently, thank you notes to write) doubled. I have chapters of reading I've neglected, a problem set I'm not sure how to solve, and oh, my mom keeps tricking me into going home. All in all, it has not been an easy week. But it sure has been good to the stomach. Between going home frequently and a sudden increase in lunchtime conferences, I've been feasting on leftovers for two weeks now. If Y2K was to happen right now, I'd be stocked and ready to go. Well, almost ready. My pants don't fit anymore.

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