Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Gauzy Logic

I know, entries get boring when instead of traveling and drinking cow penis wine, I comment on current events. Just let me get this off my chest, ok, Judgie McJudge? This whole Clemens steroid thing, in part thanks to Bo' alum Mitchell (go U bears!) is sad and ridiculous for everyone involved. But now this trainer guy says he's got Clemens' bloody gauze pads and syringes from something like seven years ago- regardless of whatever, anybody else think that's sort of gross and unsanitary? No? Anyone? Bueller? I mean, when I was young and stupid, I once tried to start a band-aid collection, but my dad put an end to it and showed me just how disgusting that was. And I had to throw my collection away. Now here this guy is allowed to have both bloody gauze and syringes? How is that possibly fair?

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