Saturday, May 12, 2007


I actually still have a paper to write, a thesis to reformat, and perhaps a chapter to majorly edit and find an outlet for publication. There's also cleaning, packing, thank you notes, presents, brunch, and endless dinner dates to organize. But instead of doing all that now, let's look at the last day of classes.

Jenny and her egg foo young. "Hey, what's in the egg foo young?" I asked. "Egg, foo, and young." Thank you, Jenny and Vita-K.
Vita-K, always classy. This is Vita-K's new face. I had just snapped a picture of her when Jenny turned and said, "I thought we agreed you weren't going to do that face anymore." And so she put on a brand new face f
Machael wasn't given toys growing up. Instead, he played with socks. Even today, socks bring him great joy.

Gak and EB not being goofy, but being very classy as we strutted toward Honors Day in a way only smarty pants seniors (or, if you're like me, a not-that-smart-senior with a heart of gold) on their last day of class could strut.
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