They say these are the best (Scottish)(Public Health)(academic) years of my life...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I Could Laugh or I Could Cry
Moi: It's not a bad choice as a safety school.
Doc Binks: Unless you want safety. Then it's a bad choice.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Stand By Me
The Japanese students on campus have been hard at work raising money for the relief efforts ever since last week. I don't pretend to understand what they are going through or have a special claim to the country, but having grown up in a formerly Japanese occupied state, having experienced immigration first hand, and being human, my heart goes out to these studets. They have been doing a great job mobilizing together to do everything that they can to help the people back home. Though I have already contributed to the efforts online (as I suspect many at the school have), I have also tried to show my support in person, giving money and providing unintentional comic relief, thanks mostly to language barriers, a loud cafeteria, and our ever present friend awkwardity.
On Monday, I stopped by the table to chat with a first year in my program who was helping with the efforts. Rather than aggressively pounce on people for donations, the students running the table have been fairly successful by just standing there and having conversations. This is great in one sense. But it makes the actual transaction difficult. My encounter went something like this:
Moi: How much money have you guys raised?
Ry: My family are all OK, but I have not heard from my friends in the north so I do not know.
Moi: ... ... Wow. That is hard. Um. I am so sorry. (some more weak interstitials) Can I give you guys money?
Each donation is rewarded with a small Japanese snack and each $20 donation comes with a t-shirt (should the donor desire). Today, craving a little snack, I stopped by the table again with a $2 donation. The lady running the table was skeptical.
Lady (concerned): You already gave on Monday. I remember.
Moi: I know, I just wanted to see if I could get a little snack. Can I give you $2 for this?
Lady (incredulous): You want to give more money?
Moi: I just want a snack. Is that OK?
(confers with friend, both laugh in my face, hands me the snack, we all walk away happy)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Dress Thyself

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Mad Matters
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Chips Ahoy
Yesterday, I also got to meet Riles for coffee, which caused former roommate Amy to go into a jealous fit and text Riles. It was when we met up that I remembered that on my way to meet her, I had had a cookie. But suddenly, I didn't see this cookie anymore. Where was this cookie? Not in my pocket. Not in my other pocket. I checked many pockets. Then found it, shoved into my backpack. Not even one of those small pockets. Nope, I had just dumped it into the bag. And retrieved the crumb-y cookie in front of my former advisor. Because my life will never cease being a stream of smooth.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The One That Is For Rachel.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Work a Day
Whitecastle: How's our paper coming?
Moi: Uh, well, it's- um, I had exams, so I had-
Whitecastle: This is going to be a good paper.
Moi: Is that the correct answer?
Whitecastle: "This will make you proud" would also have been acceptable.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
El Guaco
Despite 35 years of working at the school, Papa had never been to the
bar we had chosen, one of only 2 restaurant/bars within a three minute walk from the school. Giving him directions for the place just down the street seemed impossible, so After much debate over whether it's perpendicular to T.G.I. Friday (nothing is), I sent Jesse to escort him over.
The rest of his time with us (he had a tennis date later) was just as delightfully cranky as the beginning. He ordered "2 big sides of guacamole, just two big things, as fast as you can," to a confused waitress. "Do you want chips with that?". As Jesse later explained later, 30 minutes with Papa was just the perfect amount of time, before all his conversation topics have been exhausted and his true awkwardness comes out. isn't that true for all of is?
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Things I Dreamt Last Night
That I found Jason's chopsticks and I got a new MacBook with
Moviemaker as a present.
Then woke up to a cruel reality this morning that neither was true.
(but the weather was nice and it's still Sunday, so there's that)
Sent from my iPod
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Chopsticks Duet
Since then, I've tried very hard to return Jason's chopsticks, but it's been a very difficult process. For starters, I couldn't find them. I could only reasonably pick out 2 pairs that I thought were his. The rest were jumbled in the cutlery drawer. But he said he was missing more and hadn't brought any home that night (which was what I had suspected), so I checked the drawer again.
But Landlady Chang insisted all the chopsticks in the drawers were hers. (And then I picked out the ones that obviously weren't and she relented.) But I was in a pickle. Where were those darn chopsticks? I checked and checked and no avail.
Until this morning. When Landlady Chang noted that the drawer seemed unusually full of chopsticks. "But you said they were all yours." "Oh. Maybe we have the same ones." Nearing an answer, I checked with Jason to see how many he was missing. Only to find out he wasn't missing that many. Maybe only the 2 that I first spotted.
So one month later. I've identified 2 pairs of chopsticks and 2 crazies. Happy new year.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Three's Company
of cookies, information, and fun. The highlight of the whole thing
was a craft project in which we had everyone in class make a bed bug.
I'm proud of our presentation. And was excited to show my bed bug to
Edith and Doc Poppy. They were skeptical of the whole ordeal.
Doc Poppy: So this is what you're doing in school?
Edith: Don't you pay a lot of money to go to this school?
We sure do. Even though we have so few donors that only 2 of our 4
buildings are named. So we refer to 2 by name and 2 by number
(Kresge, FXB, Building 1 and Building 2). Even though all 4 are
technically numbered. This practice is not confusing at all. And
that was how we bumped into Prof Papa yesterday, wandering the halls
and asking "Which one is Building 3?" "I have no idea. Wait a
minute, didn't they just give you an award for being here for 30
years?" (It was apparently the building his office is housed in. Not
the building he was walking toward.)