Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Three's Company

On Monday, we gave a presentation on bed bugs to our cohort chock full
of cookies, information, and fun. The highlight of the whole thing
was a craft project in which we had everyone in class make a bed bug.
I'm proud of our presentation. And was excited to show my bed bug to
Edith and Doc Poppy. They were skeptical of the whole ordeal.

Doc Poppy: So this is what you're doing in school?

Edith: Don't you pay a lot of money to go to this school?

We sure do. Even though we have so few donors that only 2 of our 4
buildings are named. So we refer to 2 by name and 2 by number
(Kresge, FXB, Building 1 and Building 2). Even though all 4 are
technically numbered. This practice is not confusing at all. And
that was how we bumped into Prof Papa yesterday, wandering the halls
and asking "Which one is Building 3?" "I have no idea. Wait a
minute, didn't they just give you an award for being here for 30
years?" (It was apparently the building his office is housed in. Not
the building he was walking toward.)

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