Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Are you on LinkedIn?  It is facebook for grown ups.  Or, according to Prof Papa, it is facebook without knowing what your friend bought at the supermarket.  You just know when said friend gets a new job.  Because facebook in any form = procrastination, I decided to finally join LinkedIn last night to stave off studying for biostatistics (or as Brother calls it, "fake science").  I was not vigilant about researching how LinkedIn operates ahead of time.  In fact, I am still not fully aware of how it functions.  People with whom I have corresponded on a regular basis know that I have 2 personal email addresses.  One for friends and repeat offenders.  The other generally reserved for professors and business contacts.  Naturally, I chose the semi-professional account for LinkedIn.  When it asked whether I wanted to "connect" with people in my address book who were already on LinkedIn, I clicked 'yes,' not really knowing what the whole process entails.  I am now connected with many of my professors, professors who I do not mean to be connected with.  This includes: Doc Whitecastle, Prof Papa, Prof Adviser, the Band Man, and Prof SBell.  I would not be surprised if Walty was on that list.  Though he probably wouldn't accept me.  I do not know who I have requested a connection from until I've received a confirmation congratulating me for making a 'connection'.  I can't undo the requests.  I have no idea who they went to.  And perhaps most cruelly, only some of my close friends that I want to network with are actually on the list. 

I know what you're thinking, this sounds like a regular indignity story.  What makes this one special?  How about being singled out by Prof Yeast on the last day of class?  As he wrapped the class up, he mentioned that he'd be happy to stay in touch with us.  "Some of you," he added, "well actually one person, has actually contacted me on LinkedIn.  I'm happy to stay connected that way."  Oh yes.  He was my third "connection" last night.  Thank you, Prof Yeast.  I'm really not eager to network and would be OK if we never speak to each other again (though you are very nice and I look forward to going to your house in February).

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