Saturday, December 18, 2010

Almost Fabulous

Finals season is over, nearly for the last time. Every time I get to this stretch, I can't tell if I can go through another. If you'd asked me on Thursday, it would have been a resigned 'no.' But on days like today, it wasn't so bad after all. Last night, for the second night in a row, we celebrated the end of the semester at Laura's. Nearly identical people and everything. (a few pictures posted because we realized that none of us had photographic proof of our friendship)

Lu thinks Prof Papa's nickname should be 'Sexy Beast.' I advocate we settle for DHem. The Weed Whacker is always ready to pose.

Laura is tall, beautiful, slightly racist, and my steadiest partner in the past semester. We spent 4 hours grading econ exams yesterday. Jesse came up with a game of pitting random students against each other. It made the whole thing a lot of fun. But also very time consuming. Jesse and I had to stay after an extra 45 minutes to grade without games.

Two more applications, and lots of hours of work work await. Whitecastle is under the impression that I will draft a manuscript this month (which will require finishing data collection and doing the analysis...). Practicum folks are under the impression that I am capable of banging out another one in a few months. But hey, I get to sleep as late as I want.
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