Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Thai

This one is going in to the Annals of Good Ideas.  The first hot day in a long while.  Blankets.  Bo' friends.  Patch of grass by the swan boats.  Thai take-out around dinner time.  That's right.  Not to brag or anything, but I had a glorious Thai take out picnique last night (Joe was assigned to bring "Thai meat" and did so by calling up the restaurant and asking "Do you serve any meat?  I would like a meat.  And a vegetable.").  You were probably not invited.  If the Commons used to be the haven for derelicts, the Garden seems to be the place of choice for couples without a room.  They were everywhere last night, but Jenny shooed them away from our area at least, with a quick, stern, "Hey, hey, hey!"  She's going to be the best mom someday.

PS. I'm going to be MIA for awhile.  Because I'm Sri Lanka.  And because my computer died.

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