Thursday, May 21, 2009

$5 Tibet

Doc Binks is giving away a digital amplifier to anyone who wants it and has set it out by my cabinet.  For some reason, this act highly amused Doc Fisher.  Who wants to unload some old furniture onto Jen and me.

Doc Fisher: If you really wanted to unload it, you'd charge something so people know it works.  Well, you've taken the first right step.  Put it here between their cubes and not in your office.

Doc Binks: Actually, I offered to take it back if no one took it.

Doc Fisher: That's a mistake right there.  Your goal is to unload it.  You should embrace the entrepreneurial spirit.  Make a few bucks.

Doc Binks: But I just want to share the sterephonic love.

Doc Fisher: Now, perhaps if you put that up.  Advertise with a banner that said, "Sharing the Stereophonic Love."  That might work.

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