Monday, February 23, 2009

Boundless Enthusiasm

It's a good thing that emails are not made of paper.  Because if they were, we would all hate TChu for depriving our future generations of the oxygen they so need to thrive.  He writes them as if they were free or grew on trees.  You see, Reader, it is a spoken rule that whenever we arrange BCF get-togethers and cc' the other on the invite, whoever is cc'ed-- despite having been checked with in regards to time, location, and guest list and confirmed attendance-- is to enthusiastically reply-all to the invite so as to drum up excitement among the group.  It's a cheap lie, but one we have learned to live with.  Today, however, we crossed a new low.  I realized belatedly that I forgot to include Liz on my email and did not want her to feel left out.  So I thought of the personalized email tactic.  I would, I said, pretend that I was inviting everyone individually to a small dinner.  But TChu thought it would be too obvious.  And he relishes in lies.  So he suggested I email Liz AND him to make it seem like I was starting with them two though I had a. already discussed the arrangement with him and b. included him on an email invite once.  I reluctantly complied.  And TChu held up his end of the bargain, replying to both emails enthusiastically, as if he really had been waiting for Ethiopian food all this time.  Not only so, but he even tailored his two lies so that they were different from each other, each with a different reason of why he was looking forward to dinner.  Needlessly complicated, perhaps.  Hilarious, a bit as well.  Demonstrative of the deceit of TChu?  Oh, absolutely.

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