Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hear My Plea

I'd be impressed if someone got the title reference. It's not erudite. But I would be surprised.

Last week, Sarah asked me about Chinese New Year celebrations in Boston. The question led me to march down the stairs and ask my parents if they knew Chinese New Year would be next week. They did. Sarah then decided not to wait for my answer and phoned up brother, who can still out Chinese me in the goings of Boston from a thousand miles away (or wherever the West coast is, I am not clear on such matters). Then today, Former Roommate Amy (not to be confused with me) said that she couldn't make it to dinner next Monday...

Moi: Turns out, she has to eat dinner with her family to celebrate Chinese New Year. Who knew?

Lenny: You're not so good at being Chinese, are you?

I speak the language. I eat the foods. And I don't understand why these people are all trying to show me up. Don't make me pull out my membership card now.
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