Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Reason #8382 I Need to Go Back to School

I love my division and the work I get to do. There's a lot of day-to-day tedium but real research excites me. And though Whitecastle likes to talk himself up and tell me to take notes when he's speaking because he's teaching me things, I actually enjoy and appreciate learning from him. That is not to say that a research assistant's job is full of glamour and feel-good moments. Most days are filled with "I am sitting right here" indignities, such as today.

(figuring out the costs of hiring a graduate research assistant for a project)

Whitecastle: How much do you make an hour?

Moi: Um... I don't know... [ridiculously low number]?

Whitecastle: OK, and because the grad student has had more education, let's say... $20.

(punches in some numbers)

Whitecastle: Oh, that's nothing! We can definitely do this.

In other news, I've had a bruise since last November. I don't know what your relationship with your supervisors are, but today I showed DocNice my bruise. It stumped him. Though he did say that I'll live. And that I'm not enough of a medical mystery to make it into a journal. I'd still like to think that I'm special.

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