Monday, June 23, 2008

Water into Whine

Yesterday, I was trying to make Liz see that between of the two of us, I was clearly the better youth leader of the duo. Unfortunately, the youths were not participating...

Moi: Check this out- what book of the Bible have we been studying all summer?

The Girls: (in unison, too) John.

And that's where I should have stopped. But I was trying to make a point to Liz.

Moi: And what lessons have we been learning?


Girl: ... that Jesus is awesome?

Shame. Shame. For those keeping score, that's Liz: 1, Moi: 0, and My Youths: -4966

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait is that our youth group? Seriously? lol tell them I'm disappointed. haha.

Well, I was wondering what you got your mom for her birthday...a bucket with that thing-a-ma-bob thing on it.


~Dan Yuan (who is in Taiwan)