Friday, March 28, 2008

Cryin's Not For Me

I just keep learning about umbrellas. The New England spring brought forth sleet today
and on our walk to lunch, I noticed that both Zvi and I were both reluctantly umbrella-less. And that was when he shared his umbrella story.

Zvi: I had an umbrella this morning but it wouldn't open.

Moi: What do you mean? Don't you just... open it?

Zvi: I know! It's an expensive one, too. But it won't open. I even used a screw driver.

Moi: Can't you just push the clicky thing on the rod then and pull it open?

Zvi: There's nothing there. It's just one button.

Moi: That is fancy.

Zvi: I told you, it's an upscale umbrella. It cost me $13.

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