It's been a week of sparse entries (due mostly to return of parental units and me falling under the addiction of websudoku, which is like crack, but much less rewarding) but certainly not dull moments. For one thing, I got my first journal rejection! From JAMA, of all places (we're working our way day). Surprisingly, the whole process makes me feel smart and legit. Whitecastle, being the first author and one who has had dozens more publications, does not feel that way. He has a few choice words for the editors. I'm just happy that this wasn't in our rejection letter. Someone else in the division got this:
"...Although the reviewers and editors [FILL IN SOMETHING POSITIVE], we regret to inform you that the manuscript cannot be considered further for publication in the journal."
My proudest moment of the week: An email from Doc Query that said simply "I also like creamed corn." I'd snuck in a few random lines among the hundreds of pages of literature (some from as far as Tehran) I'd scanned for him- a picture of Albi, the racist dragon*; the prediction "you will find love on Flag Day*," and my favorite, a blank page that said "I like creamed corn." I wasn't sure if it was kosher to do so, but I guess it's OK.
And because Newton's Third Law says that every proud moment has to be yanked down, and trampled, not-so-encouraging moment of the week:
Supervisor: (explaining how she divides projects between Jen and me) It depends on commitments, interests, nature of the request, all sorts of things. And sometimes, I lose track and assign it to the wrong person.
Moi: But there are only two of us!
Supervisor: I know.
*Props for allusion recognition, you little nerds.
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