Monday, July 02, 2007

Spoil the Child

Went to the Harvard Medical library today on some errands and had the great opportunity to take a little detour and see the skull of one Phineas Gage. And the rod that went through his face (now engraved, forever claiming its authenticity as the rod that went through Phineas's face). When that happened, it went something like this:
All the little projects I've worked on in the past two weeks, all the people I've met and conversations I've had- none of that added together compared to how awesome it was today to be able to see that skull, along with a few other medical anomalies on display in the library cases. There was also the random portrait of some genteel man with a finger in a skull. It was a bit odd. But man, those ten minutes really made the past two weeks worthwhile. I also loved how everyone else in the division shared my enthusiasm for the skull. No one thought it was gross. Everyone knew who he was and everyone was fascinated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's like meeting someone famous!