Thursday, May 10, 2007

Today, Tomorrow, and the Rest of Our Lives

Attention Friends:

Let us hang out. Between now and June 18th, the day that commemorates both the birth of my mother and the end of my four-year-vacation (as the Band Man likes to call it), I have boat loads of free time. If I know you and don't hate you, we should probably hang out. Schedule is filling up quick, though, so please remember to plan and call ahead.

During our honors defense this morning, Riles was uncharacteristically punchy. Normally, I would've found it hilarious, but it was my nerve-wracking defense, so no jokes seemed funny. In retrospect, some highlights:

(Professors Dickey and Riles are discussing where the pastries are from)

Riles: I think those are from Humble Gourmet.

Moi: The Dunkin' Donuts coffee is probably from Dunkin' Donuts.

Riles: Yes, see, you're not completely stupid!

(At the close of the defenses, right before the professors judge us. Standing around and talking about our four presentations...)

Moi: (to the Band Man) And you kept smirking and snickering the whole time, what were you laughing at?

Band Man: I was trying to throw you off.

Moi: Thank you.

Riles: And it worked.

The greatest highlight, however, came in the afternoon, when Riles informed me that indeed, I got my honors. There will be an 'H' next to my name and the world will know that I am not stupid.

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