Thursday, March 02, 2006

Broken For You

Went to the Surgeon's Museum today, something I'd been waiting to do since before coming to Eddie Bert. And it really was as gross as I expected. Sorry to disappoint, but I have no pictures. Just newfound awe for life and fear of bullets, tumors, gangrene, kidney stones, hemorrhages, and all other sorts of pleasantries. I don't know if it inspired me to become a doctor or just made me squeamish, maybe a little of both, so the ffects cancelled out. But man, the human body is incredible. I can't believe that after biochem, I was all freaking out about inborn errors of metabolism when there's another world out there of acquired deformities waiting to strike at any moment. Life is so hard. But every gruesome display just reinforced the miracle that it takes for me to be typing this right now, and that's pretty cool. Man, did I just turn sappy all the sudden? C'est dommage 'cause I was trying to go for the gross out today.

And of course, I went to the museum with Vita-L. I don't think I could have imagined going there without Vita-L. That's like taking a science class without her. The halls of the museum are too freaky to walk alone. And without Vita-L, the museum curator grilling us about the Bo' would have been too intimidating to face. I don't know what it is with these museum people thinking I'm an idiot. They just do. Well, not the first curator. He was adorable and nice and walked us through the exhibits, telling us which to check out first if we're pressed on time and which ones he found the most disgusting. But the second guy, he was just interrogating us about school. "You go to a boating college? What, you just learn how to sail all day?" He said, then sort of cut Vita-L off when she tried to spell it for him. Oh, Bo', why can't you be more well known?

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