Monday, February 27, 2006


I don't know how this happened. It is so uncharacteristic of me to get competitive, but there Hannah and I were on Saturday, having a little culture smack-down at the Museum of Childhood, and I somehow represented the U.S. (It's hard to represent Sri Lanka, or even Taiwan, because we'd just get smacked really badly and ignored.)

Moi: (Motioning to a display of Sheriff and [American] Indian outfits) And where did these Indians come from?

Hannah: (Reluctantly) America...

Round 1- Moi:1 Hannah:0

Moi: (onto new displays of lavish doll kitchen) When I was little I had a little stove for playing house and it even had a little piece of fish for it.

Hannah: And where did the fish come from?

Moi: Scotland? Huh?

Hannah: That's right. Just Scotland.

Round 2- Moi: 1 Hannah: Confused about the fishing industry.

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