Yeah, Part II shows up before Part I. We're doing it Tarantino-style today. Plus, these first two pictures explain the title best. Man, Tarantino references are so passé. I am so lame. Whatever. I'm in Scotland, y'all.
And in Scotland, lots of people have drinking problems and lots of people have smoking problems. The government likes to focus on the second one and largely ignore the first one. I present to you, Scottish cigarette labels, modeled by friend of a friend of a friend of a friend Lynette(?):
Smoking kills!
Smokers die younger!
Oh, such gentle guidance and cheery advice from the Scottish surgeon's general. While on the subject of health ailments, let's have a look at these two dolls in the Museum of Childhood.
At first glance, pretty unimpressive pictures. But use your eyes, gentle readers. These dolls are hard to play with because they can't stand up straight. And why can't they stand up straight? Notice how their joints are weird. Looks like arthiritis, now? Particularly at the ankles for one doll. Now does that sound like someone we know? There you go. A shout out to Mac all the way from the Museum of Childhood in Edinburgh! Seriously, that's why I took the pictures. My first reaction to these dolls was: they're arthiritic. Unfortunately, the dollhouse didn't come equipped with helmets and needles. That would've been awesome.
Last but not least, Inuit doll that faintly resembles chewbacca. Ah, Chewies, I see signs of you everywhere.
1 comment:
Could your repeated use of "y'all" possibly reflect that you, as well as I, have been reading Go Fug Yourself and find the Britney Spears ones absolutely hilarious and delightful?
You'd better be...I could think of no better explanation.
P.S. Thanks for getting me hooked a website. A WEBSITE! My life is going down the drain.
P.P.S. Haahaaa - here in Japan they have about ten varieties of peanut butter, each equally scrumptious and with its own strengths (some are sweet and candy-like, some are smooth, some are put in a ridiculously cute Snoopy-jar..). Oh Joy. You should have come here. Also cause I haven't seen you in a year.
Hope you're well. You seem to be...unless your mass email FORCEFEEDING us your happiness was all a big lie...
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