Monday, February 06, 2006

Lies, All Lies

This morning, walking around the city of Eddie Bert, surrounded by construction crews through my entire walk, I decided to listen to my little shuffle. It was a good selection of my favorite songs, nice mix of the old and the even older, and one of the songs playing was Moxy Fruvous's "Lowest Highest Point," a song they improvised during some concert that basically repeats the line "lowest highest point" over and over again and involves lots of making fun of audience members for guessing the wrong states all the while showing Moxy Fruvous's own ignorance about American geography. (In their defense, they're Canadians. Or, should that be counted against them? I don't know.) Anyway, at the end of the song, it's revealed that Delaware has the lowest highest point in the States and we all give props to Delaware. And for years now, whenever I meet someone from Delaware, I tell them that their state has the lowest highest point, because frankly, there's not much else to say about Delaware... except even that is a lie.

Being the curious academic that I am, I decided to google the state with the highest lowest point (Colorado) to complement my knowledge of the lowest highest point and in the process discovered that Florida, not Delaware, has the lowest highest point. My sincerest apologies to the people of Delaware. You really have nothing distinctive about your state.

Speaking of lies, The Quotation Deli, as I like to call the deli that disrespects our punctuation system, just keeps getting better. And the deli right next to it, too. Today, Quotation Deli is serving "Broth" while Deli Next Door (Bennington's, I believe) is serving Scotch Broth (which has no Scotch in it). Tell me, people, what's "Broth!?" Methinks they're serving the same "soup" in two different stores with two different prices. Lies. Lies. I tell you, lies.

PS. Don't even get me started on Zoga. They advertise a 'Soup of the Day' every day, but do they tell you what the soup is? No. So you don't really know if they serve a different soup every day. Or if they serve "soup" at all.

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