Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Friends, My Friends?

Believe it or not, I've made some friends in Scotland. Well, it's only been a week, but let's keep our fingers crossed that we remain friends. There will be more pictures of them from this trip in the future, methinks, once we all get our cameras and pictures sorted out and exchanged. The kid that is second from the right in thesecond picture, and on the right in the first, may or may not look familiar to some of you. I don't know why she should, as she is a completely new friend I have met in Eddie Bert and not someone I had already taken 8 classes with back at the Bo' and definitely not someone that had lived within the same housing complex as me for the past three years, totally not. She's my new friend Vita-L. As always, these kids are nothing but trouble. Here below, Jemila (sp?) is getting scolded by the castle staff at the 'Great Kitchen.'

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