Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wipe That Smirk Off

Growing up in the church is a dangerous thing. Come some major event or holiday, you're apt to be thrust into a play with really lame lines.

Some memorable parts of years past: Girl New to Sunday School. Girl Taking Part in the Exodus with Family. Poor Girl Who Has God. God (my favorite). Eve (most shudder inducing). Girl Whose Brother Wrote the Skit and Was Thus Fed Cheesy Lines As A Joke.

This weekend, to add to that list, I have been suckered into playing Gabriel. Yes, Gabriel, the man angel.

Now what did I tell you to do with that smirk?


Dusty said...

I thought Angels were asexual...according to Dogma at least...

PopePotsie said...

I knew there'd be a comment about angels and gender...

Gabriel isn't a boy. Gabriel is just often portrayed as a boy. Hence boys named Gabriel (and mocked merciless for it) and girls named Gabriella.

...remember when Matt and Ben were in movies together? That was fun.

Dusty said...

Maybe they should have starred in Brokeback Mountain together...Clear up all those rumors...