Thursday, December 22, 2005

Disappointments With Radio

When you find out too much about something, when you worship someonething long enough, when you set up an impossible standard, eventually, there are bound to be illusions. (ok, unless you're worshipping God; He's still good on His promises.) There are bound to be disappointments. There are bound to be moments when you have to accept the fallibility of the idol. Because after all, you can't have idols. (Look at me trying to sound philosophical late at night, pumping out nonsense.) What I'm trying to say is, I just found out that Ira Glass doesn't even watch PBS, ok? It's taking a little to get used to. That's not as disheartening of course, as finding out that he watches the Gilmore Girls. Not saying that that's not a fun show (couldn't bring myself to write 'great'). And that Luke Danes is not beautiful. But come on, you're the producer of an NPR show and you're a boy. In this case, you only need two strikes to make it ok for me to judge you while enjoy watching the same TV shows you do. I had such high hopes for you, Ira Glass. And sometimes, I watch PBS.

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