Monday, December 26, 2005

This Land Is My Land

Just returned home to find that three toddlers have set up camp in our den. (We call our den the 'library' because we consider our book collection that impressive.) The three most adorable kids in their age-range from our church, Lucy, Timothy, and Elise (not Lenny, but Elise- they call her Xin-Xin). Timothy was teaching the Care Bear how to ride the stuffed dalmatian. Elise was drawing up floor plans. And Lucy looked up at me with one of those "What're you looking at" looks and announced to me that that was their home. "Oh, this is your home?" I asked, amused and also a bit bemused. "Yes, this is our home." She said again, this time backed by her other two flat-mates. Michael, who is five and considered himself too old to join in their antics, was playing on the computer nearby and looked almost embarassed by their house setting.

Our product placement of the day comes from the good Mainers of L. L. Bean.

Father: It's raining pretty heavily outside. Did your new jacket hold up ok?

Moi: Yeah, completely dry. Look at how the water beads. It's amazing.

Guest: Is this a new jacket?

Father: Yes, she bought it with her own money.

Guest: With her own money? I would have guessed it as a Christmas present from you.

Father: Well, I practically did buy it for her. I drove her there.

And that, is how Father says 'Merry Christmas.'

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