Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Awkwardity, Part 4.6

Awkward Andy once discovered that his photo was used, unbeknownst to him, as the photo for the facebook group "Why Is My Life So Awkward?" It's one of my most cherished awkward stories. But in these past few days, nay hours, I fear that I may accidentally discover that my picture is being used somewhere to replace his. Or maybe for a "Why Is My Life So Pathetic?" group.

Discovered last night that it was difficult to do laundry without laundry bag. Searched the entire house and garage many times. Nothing. Called the school this morning. Had security search through my apartment. And it turns out that in my haste to leave my fair little Bo', I had left my laundry bag (dirty clothes included) at school. Yeah, it was real fun talking to security about the emergency (I fly out next week, desperately need dirty clothes). V. cool.

Chelsea was generous enough to agree to "road trip" with me up north. I thought, "hey, why not invite Emily along" and called "Emily" from my cell. Unfortunately, Emily Hubbard lives in Memphis, TN, and could not join me on the road trip. It took me quite a few minutes to figure this out. Again, v. suave.

I am afraid to go on living, to talk to people, to step out of my house; scores more of embarassment are just out there, waiting to pounce.

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