(talking about undergrad campuses)
I can be modest indeed, but if you want to gloat about your school's superior food, you best come ready to play, and have more to show for than omelets. Colby had omelet stations. We had made-to-order omelets every day*. Waffle irons with our school seal. And don't even get me started on the apple farmers who came to visit. According to Wikipedia, which is never wrong, we were ranked #1 by the Princeton Review in 6 of the last 10 years, including 2013, 2014, and 3 of my 4 years there- I'm probably an inspiration.
Christine: Her college had really good food.
Moi: Well, I liked it. Rather than academics, it's one of the things we rank highly in.
Sarah: Yeah? Mine, too!
Moi: I didn't know that.
Sarah: Yeah, BC had really good food. I think in the Princeton Review we were in the top 10 one year. Sometimes for breakfast we'd have omelets made to order.
Moi: Oh that's cute. I was just being polite when I said "rank highly." We're usually number 1 or 2 (There was one shameful year when we slipped to #3. But we don't talk about that again.)
I can be modest indeed, but if you want to gloat about your school's superior food, you best come ready to play, and have more to show for than omelets. Colby had omelet stations. We had made-to-order omelets every day*. Waffle irons with our school seal. And don't even get me started on the apple farmers who came to visit. According to Wikipedia, which is never wrong, we were ranked #1 by the Princeton Review in 6 of the last 10 years, including 2013, 2014, and 3 of my 4 years there- I'm probably an inspiration.
*In retrospect, a rather extravagant and perhaps poor use of staffing and resources.