Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Phone Home

This is the story of 3 good Samaritans, 1 forgetful sloth, and 1 inattentive friend.  If you're pressed for time, let me tell you the moral of the story now: nothing good comes of exercising.

Quite uncharacteristically yesterday, I went to the 'gym' (is in quotes because the fitness center in our apartment complex is very small and sorry).  Quite characteristically, I left my phone there.  And did not realize it until 7 hours later.  I searched throughout my room for it.  Then I went back to the gym.  Logically, I knew that those were the only 2 places my phone could be.  But that did not stop me from checking the freezer, bathroom trash can, and under my bed.  We now know that sometime during the 7 hours, someone picked up my phone, texted Lois that it has been found and put into the closet in the gym, and put it there.  Unfortunately, Lois did not inform me of this right away.  Instead, she texted back, "hahaha, I think you have the wrong number."  Bad, Lois, bad.

Sometime after the first person texted Lois but before I realized my phone was gone, someone else discovered my phone.  And decided to take it from the closet.  I'm not sure why.  It made looking for my phone really difficult.  Especially since the person did not turn it into management immediately, or pick up any of my calls.  The person did, however, contact Ilene.  Twice.  We missed her the first time.  Which resulted in Ilene carrying the phone around her at every step.  Which resulted in said phone dropping into the toilet.  RIP, Ilene's iPhone.  24 hours later, Kind but Somewhat Dull Samaritan finally returned my phone to management.  They contact Roommate Claude.  She let me know.  And I was reunited with my phone.  We are living happily ever after.

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