Thursday, January 26, 2012

McGoofy Judy. And Ilene.

(a long entry to make up for all the days of silence)

I try very hard to be on the good side of every department administrator I have had to work with.  In college, Lori and I had a love-mock relationship, in which I was always really nice to her and she often made fun of me.  OK, that may be because I once went to both hers and Riles' office to see if I left a blue pen behind and that seemed a little too pen-possessive for her.  In my defense, it was a really good pen.  It all paid off in the Case of the Award Mix-Up and she got them to redo the award plaque and even add my middle name into the mix.  At DoPE, Young Bo' and I made valentines, was always super respectful, and smiled as much as we could to the executive assistants.  I'm not sure it has paid off.  But we did eat a lot of chocolates from Jolanda's candy tray.  And at the H'Bomb, Anne got me out of a $85 late fee.  And did not yell at me for many, many late forms.  And funded our screening lunch.  So here at H'Bomb II, I was shocked to discover last week that I had to live according to deadlines and that being sweet to administrators does not guarantee getting out of jams.  In fact, some administrators get quite annoyed if you register for classes late (what school shuts down registration a week before classes start?!).  I am now on Judy's bad side.  The same week I need her help getting into a class.  I am not used to being on a bad side.  It feels all tingly in my chest.

Professor McGoofy (edit: McGoofy replaces his nickname-for-a-week-Matthew.  this took awhile, but I think it's a better fit)  is my new biostat professor.  He is the most spazztastically wondrous biostat professor I have ever had.  He's not only visually entrancing (he and his hands never stop moving, though they often go in different directions), but funny as well.  A couple of gems from today's lecture:

"Confounding is like beauty.  It is in the eye of the beholder."

"You guys remember the distributive property fondly, right?  From Algebra 2?  We all remember junior high fondly.  (in sing song voice)  Best years of our lives!"

Oh right.  Ilene?  She's OK.

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