Friday, November 25, 2011

To Catch a Virus

I was in Boston for under 24 hours Tuesday-Wednesday.  When I first arrived, I joked with Dwighters that I was trying to catch the flu because I had a day of zooming through the MBTA ahead of me and was heading to the airport later in the afternoon (to meet up with Father, arriving back from Chinar).  On the busiest travel day of the year.  Despite having just arrived in town via plane/bus/subway.  Little did I know that I would indeed do all that, plus visit two hospitals, and ride in a cab. To ensure full germification, I also visited a mall food court, hung out with 3 teachers from 3 different schools, and walked in the rain without an umbrella. There was also a handshake with an 11-year-old boy somewhere in there.

Now it's a day later, Thanksgiving is over, I'm exhausted, feel like I had barely seen anyone I had meant to, and I feel a cold coming on.  I don't even know where to begin to pinpoint the sickness.  It could have been anywhere during my dash around town.  Or tonight, when I went to Logan for the 3rd time in 3 days (to pick up Mother- it's complicated).  Or dinner afterward in a crowded restaurant in Chinatown.  Good thing I'm not Gwyneth Paltrow, or else I'm pretty sure the world would end in 5-7 days.

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