Saturday, November 26, 2011

At Least We Didn't Play the Race Card

I had lunch with Carol, Mrs. Cho, and their ever growing boys today (well, Jim is slimming, but he's more of a man than a boy).  These are people I associate with home, food, and laughing a lot.  Though I should also associate my future healthcare costs with them.  At Jim's urging, I had brisket, wings, and 3 donuts.  

(Jim laments how he now laughs at laugh-track jokes in sitcoms and worries his humor is waning)

Moi: Well, yes, but you did just make a joke about bestiality and Sunday school three minutes ago.

Jim: I guess I still have my edge.

Mrs. Cho is always talking about how I like to challenge kids to Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble, so I'm pretty sure there were also a couple of blind children jokes tossed in there (not by me!) for good measure.  Wholly inappropriate, yes, but it harkened back to countless other chain restaurant meals before this one, out in the suburbs, with these people I love, and isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about?

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