Saturday, October 01, 2011

True Grits

What is the best place for grits in B'more?  I don't know.  But I am on the way to finding out.  For the past several weeks, Sachini and I have been hitting the intentionally-rustic streets in front of cute brunch joints all over town, answering such important questions as "is it wrong to order grits for the fourth week in a row?" and "when is it too early to eat fried chicken?"  The answers is "never" on both counts-- which is why I'm having breakfast at 10am today.  We've even got a three-category system of how we're judging cheesy grits all over town.  In Boston, I tried never to schedule brunch before 1pm.  11am the earliest I'd do.  But I'm hungry early, and by God, these mid-Atlantic people don't mess around with breakfast. 

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