Wednesday, October 05, 2011

To Have Fun with Anyone

I'm often so busy with trying to act like a normal person that it's not until after the fact that I notice something around me is amiss and that something is not me.  Last night, I had dinner with Sharon at a decent Korean restaurant.  It was, as she explained, in a "shady" part of town.  I didn't think much of it until she pointed out that the TVs in the dining room and at the bar were CCTVs showing the parking lot outside-- not so much to deter crime, but to let patrons see if their cars are broken into.  Even then, I still didn't think much of it.  After all, I was hungry (though I shouldn't have been, having just come drinks with my epi lab group where we shared a "bucket of tots") and distracted.  It wasn't until this morning, when I ran into Ian and recounted the restaurant that it all started clicking.  Yes, it is strange that a restaurant should need two CCTVs surveying the parking lot.  It is unusual to have cars broken into during dinner.  There are parts of B'more that are not like B'town.  But the barley tea was just as good and the food felt as homey as it did in Korea, B'town, and home.

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