Saturday, August 06, 2011


I told myself that I'd organize my luggage today and that I'd also write.  Since I've done neither and the day is near over, I thought I would at least put in an entry, which is almost like real writing.  Except, of course, when I don't bother with the prose and just put down a few random quotes.  Like I'm about to do now.

On Thursday, I officially said goodbye to work work, at least the physical place.  I still need to wrap up 1.25 projects with Whitecastle, but Thursday was my last day at the office.  I got an ice cream party and everything.  On my way out, Doc Winner (Josh?  I forget which one I'm supposed to use) had some near-kind parting words (Whitecastle had them, too, it was just unfortunate that he said them midway through our meeting.  "Well, good luck with your move and- "  "Um, I wasn't done.  Can we talk about Table 1?")

Doc Winner: If you ever need a job, I'm going to be running this place in a few years, so-

Moi: Stop sucking up to Whitecastle, and start sucking up to you?

Doc Winner: Obvi.  Notice how he treats me differently now?

10,000 bonus points for saying 'obvi.'  I'm going to miss this work buddy.

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