Friday, July 22, 2011


It is July.  We are in the midst of a heatwave.  And parts of me are burning up.  More specifically, my throat.  It appears that I have beaten the odds and, sitting in my air-conditioned apartment, where I've only left a few times this week to work (I've mostly worked from home, but on the days that I manage to work in the office, I mostly sit in an office by myself, with the occasional visit from Josh or Doc Gollum), eat dinner, and have ice cream, I have caught a cold/flu.  I'm not sure what it is.  I just know that my throat burns and every hour or so, I go into a coughing fit.  How is this possible?  I don't know.  I have stayed away from crowds and children for the good part of the past two weeks, but somewhere along the way, something has attacked my immune system.  And now I'm sick.  And forced to spend even more time in my air-conditioned apartment.  Life isn't fair.

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